Vision & Mission

Fair is the cornerstone of XALTE. Relying on the blockchain can bring infinite possibilities. We hope to give more competitive features, so that every season has unlimited possibilities, not just limited to games. XALTE is an open community where everyone can contribute new ideas, such as new map scenes, new game modes, and new cool hero character designs. These ideas can all be implemented in XALTE.

The XALTE platform allows NFT holders and NFT promoters from other gaming platforms to discuss business partnerships with us. If the partnership is successful, players can be allowed to access the game with their preferred NFT.

It's all free, and XALTE opens up a whole new realm for NFT creators, allowing the same NFT to be used across a variety of games.

We will launch an NFT editor, which will make it easier to create NFTs and display NFTs on the marketplace for sale.

XALTE will do three things:

  • Start a competition, bring XALTE NFT to the stage

  • Continue to invest in the community, so that the game system and gameplay will gradually transit to being community-led. Let the players direct the progress of the game

  • Build a two-way communication channel and listen to the voices of every player

Last updated